[GNU/consensus] Announce: Glance 1.0
carlo von lynX
2013-11-29 10:12:29 UTC
GNU Glance 1.0

Glance is a distributed social debate and ranking tool.
A replacement for mailing lists, newsgroups, slashdot,
reddit, ycombinator, schleuder and many more.

Each participating node evaluates ranks for each participant
and posted message according to its perception of the social
graph and its judgement of the writers combined with their
published evaluations of each contribution. This allows to
walk into a debate and get a reasonably fair impresssion of
the state of discussions and the relevance of each contribution
at a Glance.

Of course, as with any distributed PSYC pubsub channel, all
communications and evaluations are only available in the clear
to the actually participating people. Glance allows for the
creation of a pseudonymized web publishing gateway.

Prerequisites for installation:

- GNUnet 3.3.1
- Secushare 2.1
- GNU Consensus 1.2


Just saying that we could be using Glance instead of this lousy
old mailing list technology if instead of discussing overly
complex and hard to maintain federation architectures we were
just focusing on getting our distributed social backend running
which allows for amazing apps which were previously only possible
in a silo setting (slashdot etc). Or have you seen any of the
federated social web projects develop something like Glance in
the past decade?
Andreas Kuckartz
2013-11-29 11:09:33 UTC
Post by carlo von lynX
GNU Glance 1.0
Post by carlo von lynX
- GNUnet 3.3.1
URL for that version?

As far as I am aware the most recent version number has not yet reached 1.0.
Post by carlo von lynX
- Secushare 2.1
Post by carlo von lynX
- GNU Consensus 1.2

Melvin Carvalho
2013-11-29 10:21:49 UTC
Post by carlo von lynX
GNU Glance 1.0
Glance is a distributed social debate and ranking tool.
A replacement for mailing lists, newsgroups, slashdot,
reddit, ycombinator, schleuder and many more.
Each participating node evaluates ranks for each participant
and posted message according to its perception of the social
graph and its judgement of the writers combined with their
published evaluations of each contribution. This allows to
walk into a debate and get a reasonably fair impresssion of
the state of discussions and the relevance of each contribution
at a Glance.
Of course, as with any distributed PSYC pubsub channel, all
communications and evaluations are only available in the clear
to the actually participating people. Glance allows for the
creation of a pseudonymized web publishing gateway.

Used to be a FLOSS digg clone, but has morphed into more of a CMS system
now I think. They may still have the code in there for ranking etc.
Post by carlo von lynX
- GNUnet 3.3.1
- Secushare 2.1
- GNU Consensus 1.2
Just saying that we could be using Glance instead of this lousy
old mailing list technology if instead of discussing overly
complex and hard to maintain federation architectures we were
just focusing on getting our distributed social backend running
which allows for amazing apps which were previously only possible
in a silo setting (slashdot etc). Or have you seen any of the
federated social web projects develop something like Glance in
the past decade?
SocialSwarm mailing lists: https://socialswarm.net/en/participate/
Websites: https://socialswarm.net/ https://wiki.socialswarm.net/
Liquid Feedback: https://socialswarm.tracciabi.li/
Andreas Kuckartz
2013-11-29 11:37:56 UTC
Post by carlo von lynX
Just saying that we could be using Glance instead of this lousy
old mailing list technology if instead of discussing overly
complex and hard to maintain federation architectures we were
just focusing on getting our distributed social backend running
which allows for amazing apps which were previously only possible
in a silo setting (slashdot etc).
I doubt that vaporware is a usable discussion platform for anything.
Post by carlo von lynX
Or have you seen any of the federated social web projects develop
something like Glance in the past decade?
So far I have not seen any federated social web project releasing vaporware.

Please do not waste the time of readers of the mailing list with
something like that again. It is annoying and wasting peoples' time.

2013-12-01 04:16:25 UTC
Post by Andreas Kuckartz
I doubt that vaporware is a usable discussion platform for
*** I think it's pretty good. A fresh look at things, eh?
Post by Andreas Kuckartz
Please do not waste the time of readers of the mailing list with
something like that again. It is annoying and wasting peoples'
*** You're free to disagree, but anyone looking at the version numbers
would figure out, like you did, that it's "future". So it certainly
does not warrant animosity.

And FWIW, Melvin introduced PLIGG, which was unknown to me.

That said, I'd rather think harder on the upcoming meeting in Hamburg
and see what we're going to do there, because the global situation is,
er, warming, and free software still is a marginal idealist--as in
broke--section of technological innovation. So the idea would be to
"give each other advantages" to cite rms, instead of regarding each
other as competition, or worse.

To that aim, I'm happy to bounce you to another "vaporware"[0] that
participates in a global movement with a stated objective of "making
centralized or authoritarian governance impossible."[1]


[0] http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/bitcoin-dark-wallet
[1] http://c4ss.org/content/22338
Andreas Kuckartz
2013-12-01 11:59:26 UTC
Post by hellekin
Post by Andreas Kuckartz
I doubt that vaporware is a usable discussion platform for
*** I think it's pretty good. A fresh look at things, eh?
It might be an interesting project idea, but it was not presented as
such. I would have liked to think about the project idea instead of
wasting time to find out that it was a non-existing project based on
other non-existing projects. That this non-existing project was used
in an attempt to attack federated social web communities certainly did
not help to improve my opinion.
Post by hellekin
Post by Andreas Kuckartz
Please do not waste the time of readers of the mailing list with
something like that again. It is annoying and wasting peoples' time.
*** You're free to disagree, but anyone looking at the version
numbers would figure out, like you did, that it's "future".
"anyone" ? This SocialSwarm mailing list consists only of insiders
knowing all relevant version numbers ? (If yes, then this would
illustrate a fundamental problem of the whole approach.)

I first considered the strange GNUnet version number to be either the
number of a GNUnet subproject or a result of a typo.

Anyway, at least one other subscriber of this mailing list obviously
took the announcement at face value and asked for the source code. So
it was no longer a matter of opinion but fact when I posted my comment.

And yes, I spent time to find a software named "GNU consensus" because
I though something like that _might_ exist.

And now have wasted even more time on this fake announcement.
Post by hellekin
I'd rather think harder on the upcoming meeting in Hamburg and see
what we're going to do there, because the global situation is, er,
warming, and free software still is a marginal idealist--as in
broke--section of technological innovation. So the idea would be
to "give each other advantages" to cite rms, instead of regarding
each other as competition, or worse.

I have seen the suggested "criteria" sent by Carlo yesterday. I will
reply to that separately.
Post by hellekin
[0] http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/bitcoin-dark-wallet [1]
Thanks for the links.

2013-12-01 15:50:45 UTC
Post by Andreas Kuckartz
It might be an interesting project idea, but it was not presented
as such. I would have liked to think about the project idea instead
of wasting time to find out that it was a non-existing project
based on other non-existing projects. That this non-existing
project was used in an attempt to attack federated social web
communities certainly did not help to improve my opinion.
*** Andreas, you're talking with humans, and these people have been
working together for more than a year, meeting physically three or
more times, and are all expected to be familiar with the various
components of the various projects involved. I find your insistence a
bit disturbing.

All the projects mentioned by lynX do exist. GNUnet has been around
for a decade or more, and if you're still not familiar with it, I
strongly recommend that you do your homework, because its design is at
the core of both the SocialSwarm and the GNU consensus. And yes,
after a decade it still didn't reach the 1.0 mark. The GNU consensus,
as mentioned in the homepage, is not a software project per se, but an
initiative to coordinate free software development related to social
networking. As it proceeds from the same working group of the
SocialSwarm, it is expected that people on the mailing lists do know
about it, especially if they subscribed to the mailing list. And
Secushare is the social layer of GNUnet, as expressed in tg's master
thesis available at https://gnunet.org/design-social-messaging-system
Post by Andreas Kuckartz
And now have wasted even more time on this fake announcement.
*** So much that you took the time to respond!

Just chill, and please keep on topic. We're 3 weeks away from an
important meeting, we'd better use that time constructively. Are you
going to be in Hamburg for 30c3?

Andreas Kuckartz
2013-12-01 20:54:36 UTC
Post by hellekin
*** Andreas, you're talking with humans, and these people have been
working together for more than a year, meeting physically three or
more times, and are all expected to be familiar with the various
components of the various projects involved.
I already had suggested this: Please update the description on
Post by hellekin
The GNU consensus, as mentioned in the homepage, is not a software
project per se, but an initiative to coordinate free software
development related to social networking.
Yes, and based on the fake announcement I had assumed that there also
might be a software project with the same name which I did not yet
know about. And as you state this does not exist. Spending time to
find that result unfortunately was not motivating to do more such homework.
Post by hellekin
Are you going to be in Hamburg for 30c3?
Yes, at least I have paid for a ticket. But I have not yet decided
when I will be there.

