[GNU/consensus] fsn qualifiability parameters
2013-03-14 11:39:12 UTC
eis, any hints on parametering qualifications for a fsn (or qualifiable
platforms), will be welcomed. better, if posible you could suggest other
parameters from the ones i made already here:


related: but offtopic here:

cos i want to do also the too big page of:


when more stable (now just have 2 edits), i could migrate it to the
libreplanet wiki..


i see the fsn concept can also be splitted in at least 2 categories:
one for the lighttest featuring we want, and another for the qualifying
of a fsn for a socialer change organinzing (i.e. for a 'ambituous' fsn:
i haven't a good enough platform for substituting the quite issolated
islands of mailman and the riseup lists manager with the featuring of
friends circles per authenticated mail or IP, but that could be enoguh
to be considered a 'basic' fsn) (i.e. lorea goes in the second
direction, myprofile and others go in the first direction)

i don't want to get on the task of qualififying or parametring
different apis or softwares, due to technical my lack of understanding
properly some bits and due to the fact that i consider the application's
terms of use as a important aspect of the fsn beyond software and apis.
Melvin Carvalho
2013-03-14 12:48:24 UTC
Post by flawer
eis, any hints on parametering qualifications for a fsn (or qualifiable
platforms), will be welcomed. better, if posible you could suggest other
when more stable (now just have 2 edits), i could migrate it to the
libreplanet wiki..
I sort of like this ... to my mind a free social network is an extension of
the concept of freedom of thought.

One should be able to communicate uninhibited from constraint and also with
the access policy under your own control

Need to take those principles and codify them, but it's not always easy!
Post by flawer
i see the fsn concept can also be splitted in at least 2 categories: one
for the lighttest featuring we want, and another for the qualifying of a
fsn for a socialer change organinzing (i.e. for a 'ambituous' fsn: i
haven't a good enough platform for substituting the quite issolated islands
of mailman and the riseup lists manager with the featuring of friends
circles per authenticated mail or IP, but that could be enoguh to be
considered a 'basic' fsn) (i.e. lorea goes in the second direction,
myprofile and others go in the first direction)
i don't want to get on the task of qualififying or parametring different
apis or softwares, due to technical my lack of understanding properly some
bits and due to the fact that i consider the application's terms of use as
a important aspect of the fsn beyond software and apis.
hellekin (GNU/consensus)
2013-03-14 22:10:37 UTC
Post by Melvin Carvalho
I sort of like this ... to my mind a free social network is an extension
of the concept of freedom of thought.
*** I don't understand the concept. It sounds like a pleonasm to me.
When a society is free, the social network is free. Calling the social
network "free" sounds like admitting defeat and accepting the normality
of a social network under control of... Whom exactly?
Post by Melvin Carvalho
One should be able to communicate uninhibited from constraint and also
with the access policy under your own control
*** Indeed.
Post by Melvin Carvalho
Need to take those principles and codify them, but it's not always easy!
*** Especially with the constant attacks on freedom and privacy that are
pushed by corporate lobbies and the tenants of a society of control.
Post by Melvin Carvalho
i consider the application's terms of use as a important aspect
of the fsn beyond software and apis.
*** If the software is free, terms of service should become less
relevant, or even irrelevant, or did I miss something?

Christian Grothoff
2013-03-15 08:35:31 UTC
Post by hellekin (GNU/consensus)
*** If the software is free, terms of service should become less
relevant, or even irrelevant, or did I miss something?
Yes, you do. Facebook could be 100% free software, but as you as the
user don't run the code, they are not obliged to give it to you.
Furthermore, even if they were 100% free software AND the code was
public, as long as you use their servers to host your data, you're
still not in control (RMS has said a lot about this subject, btw.).

So we need a solution that is free software and that each user
runs on his own system. Then the "terms of service" will be the
free software license, and then there is no problem.

Happy hacking!

hellekin (GNU/consensus)
2013-03-15 10:21:04 UTC
Post by Christian Grothoff
Post by hellekin (GNU/consensus)
*** If the software is free, terms of service should become less
relevant, or even irrelevant, or did I miss something?
Yes, you do. Facebook could be 100% free software, but as you as the
user don't run the code, they are not obliged to give it to you.
*** Ah yes, I live in a future where all software running over the
network is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version
3, or (at your convenience) any later version. :|
Post by Christian Grothoff
Furthermore, even if they were 100% free software AND the code was
public, as long as you use their servers to host your data, you're
still not in control (RMS has said a lot about this subject, btw.).
*** There again, I live in a future where people exert technological
sovereignty, and Freedom Boxes, protected by home inviolability, make
the bulk of individual servers in the IPv6 end-to-end, unrestricted
Post by Christian Grothoff
So we need a solution that is free software and that each user
runs on his own system. Then the "terms of service" will be the
free software license, and then there is no problem.
*** Thank you for the heads up. Time traveling back to the present and
contemplate the ugly situation can be somewhat painful. As you can see,
the discrepancy between what is and what should be, and the powerful
anti-freedom forces make our work even more important, and even more


