[GNU/consensus] the YBTI vision
Klaus Schleisiek
2014-04-03 20:57:12 UTC
At long last, the ybti org-group has finalized the "vision paper", which we
committed ourselves to produce at the end of 30C3's #youbroketheinternet
workshop. (see txt attached.)

Meanwhile, the name "youbroketheinternet" sticks and therefore, we are referring
to the project as "ybti", which can be easily pronounced in German as well as in

Below is ybti's vision aimed at addressing potential supporters and the public
at large. Currently, we are trying to find more projects, who are willing to
support the vision in order to give it more weight in the eyes of those, who are
not able to judge on technical grounds.

At present, we see ybti's mission in fostering a discourse amongst
FLOSS-projects that intend to reengineer the internet. It is our intention to
define an API, which allows for secure message/data distribution mechanisms as a
free and open alternative to internet's first generation RFCs. If this API would
exist it can be used by independent projects to realize applications on top of
it, of course. At the same time, this API would allow for a plurality of
independent transport mechanism implementations for the wide range of existing

Melvin Carvalho
2014-04-03 21:58:21 UTC
Post by Klaus Schleisiek
At long last, the ybti org-group has finalized the "vision paper", which we
committed ourselves to produce at the end of 30C3's #youbroketheinternet
workshop. (see txt attached.)
Meanwhile, the name "youbroketheinternet" sticks and therefore, we are referring
to the project as "ybti", which can be easily pronounced in German as well as in
Below is ybti's vision aimed at addressing potential supporters and the public
at large. Currently, we are trying to find more projects, who are willing to
support the vision in order to give it more weight in the eyes of those, who are
not able to judge on technical grounds.
At present, we see ybti's mission in fostering a discourse amongst
FLOSS-projects that intend to reengineer the internet. It is our intention to
define an API, which allows for secure message/data distribution mechanisms as a
free and open alternative to internet's first generation RFCs. If this API would
exist it can be used by independent projects to realize applications on top of
it, of course. At the same time, this API would allow for a plurality of
independent transport mechanism implementations for the wide range of existing
Document looks good and very well written. The goals look ambitious, but I
suppose these days you have to be ambitious to get some kind of attention.
As someone that's spent time trying to build this kind of thing the time
frame looks short, but I dont know how that would come across to the
intended audience.

Regarding building a more decentralized alternative to social network
systems, I hope I can contribute there.

I was curious about one point:

"decentralized authentication mechanisms"

Is there a sense of know exactly *what* we are trying to authenticate
here? I'm not suggesting an amendment to the document, I'm just trying to
understand better what this could mean.
Post by Klaus Schleisiek
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