Klaus Schleisiek
2013-04-30 10:29:16 UTC
PS: These remarks I have to add:
1) The workshop at the 30C3 and its preparatory meeting in August are meant for
people, who already have come to the conclusion that a socialnet_3.0 will be
based on end-to-end encryption and self determined data storage. Should you have
a different opinion then these events are not meant for you. These two points
are essentials and not open for discussion especially at the preparatory meeting.
2) We at WHS would like to limit the cost for the meeting to € 4000.-.
Therefore, if you intend to participate in the August meeting, please send me
your estimated travel cost. If more people would like to attend than can be
funded, we will apply a first-come-first-serve policy according to the doodle
voting list (http://www.doodle.com/tf8vctpe3h2fv4d9).
3) If you need a hotel room: Once it is clear how many rooms are needed we will
take care of a group deal with a hotel in Berlin.
Klaus Schleisiek
Wau-Holland-Stiftung W
Postfach 65 04 43 H O L L A N D
22364 Hamburg/Germany S T I F T U N G
Am 29.04.2013 11:20, schrieb Klaus Schleisiek:
> Dear friends for unexploitable social networks,
> eventually Wau Holland Foundation has decided to sponsor a preparatory meeting
> for a socialnet_3.0 workshop on 30C3.
> We decided that OHM would be too distracting for this type of work and instead,
> we invite you to participate in a preparatory meeting in Berlin in August. To
> choose the most appropriate weekend, please make your entry at
> http://www.doodle.com/tf8vctpe3h2fv4d9 if you are interested to participate.
> "Invite" means that the foundation will reimburse travel and accomodation costs
> up to € 400,-.
> The purpose for this meeting will be to prepare a workshop at 30C3:
> We should try to get an overview of current activities for a democratic social
> network, propose an agenda for the 30C3 workshop and make a list of whom we
> would like to participate.
> The aim of the 30C3 workshop itself will be to build a consensus of how
> socialnet_3.0 is going to look like and to coordinate activities such that this
> goal can be reached within the next 10 years.
> :)
> Klaus Schleisiek
> Wau-Holland-Stiftung W
> Postfach 65 04 43 H O L L A N D
> 22364 Hamburg/Germany S T I F T U N G
> http://www.wauland.de
1) The workshop at the 30C3 and its preparatory meeting in August are meant for
people, who already have come to the conclusion that a socialnet_3.0 will be
based on end-to-end encryption and self determined data storage. Should you have
a different opinion then these events are not meant for you. These two points
are essentials and not open for discussion especially at the preparatory meeting.
2) We at WHS would like to limit the cost for the meeting to € 4000.-.
Therefore, if you intend to participate in the August meeting, please send me
your estimated travel cost. If more people would like to attend than can be
funded, we will apply a first-come-first-serve policy according to the doodle
voting list (http://www.doodle.com/tf8vctpe3h2fv4d9).
3) If you need a hotel room: Once it is clear how many rooms are needed we will
take care of a group deal with a hotel in Berlin.
Klaus Schleisiek
Wau-Holland-Stiftung W
Postfach 65 04 43 H O L L A N D
22364 Hamburg/Germany S T I F T U N G
Am 29.04.2013 11:20, schrieb Klaus Schleisiek:
> Dear friends for unexploitable social networks,
> eventually Wau Holland Foundation has decided to sponsor a preparatory meeting
> for a socialnet_3.0 workshop on 30C3.
> We decided that OHM would be too distracting for this type of work and instead,
> we invite you to participate in a preparatory meeting in Berlin in August. To
> choose the most appropriate weekend, please make your entry at
> http://www.doodle.com/tf8vctpe3h2fv4d9 if you are interested to participate.
> "Invite" means that the foundation will reimburse travel and accomodation costs
> up to € 400,-.
> The purpose for this meeting will be to prepare a workshop at 30C3:
> We should try to get an overview of current activities for a democratic social
> network, propose an agenda for the 30C3 workshop and make a list of whom we
> would like to participate.
> The aim of the 30C3 workshop itself will be to build a consensus of how
> socialnet_3.0 is going to look like and to coordinate activities such that this
> goal can be reached within the next 10 years.
> :)
> Klaus Schleisiek
> Wau-Holland-Stiftung W
> Postfach 65 04 43 H O L L A N D
> 22364 Hamburg/Germany S T I F T U N G
> http://www.wauland.de