[GNU/consensus] wiki where
2013-01-08 13:50:17 UTC
i heard there is a wiki looking for love, but i tried flirting it with
my browser through these project pages and i couldn't fuck it yet...
where is it?

are you brave and resourceful enough to try some of this branchable
page wikis? i could find them again, but mediawiki is ok enough for me.

for some sectarian reason of mine, i am abit alergic to dokuwiki, but i
could try again..
Erkan Yilmaz
2013-01-08 15:55:47 UTC
wiki is here:
i heard there is a wiki looking for love, but i tried flirting it with my
browser through these project pages and i couldn't fuck it yet... where is
are you brave and resourceful enough to try some of this branchable page
wikis? i could find them again, but mediawiki is ok enough for me.
for some sectarian reason of mine, i am abit alergic to dokuwiki, but i
could try again..
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