1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Harry Halpin writes a tribute to the LEAP project. We have
discussed in the past what the problems of the LEAP approach
are. I kept them at http://about.psyc.eu/LEAP. What is George
doing in the author list? He's a Tor developer, he should
know better that the future of the Internet has something to
do with DHT technology, not doctoring pre-DHT tech.

60. Network Security as a Public Good | Wendy Selzer
61. Statement of Interest on behalf of the W3C TAG | Dan Appelquist

Probably a co-founder of the W3C, Dan ran an attempt to
implement "One Social Web" over XMPP. With this position
paper he suggests using more HTTPS with certificate
pinning. The job that "Certificate Patrol" does.

62. Improving Security on the Internet | Hannes Tschofenig

The chair of the workshop himself, who met and invited us
at 30c3. He steers clear of controversy and presents a
historic view on internet security lifecycles concluding that
the deployment of technologies is insufficiently correlated
to their development (especially when standards bodies are
in the way ;-)).

63. Protecting customer data from government snooping | Orit Levin
64. Privacy Aware Internet Development Initiative 2014 | Achim Klabunde

A point of view from the data protection authorities.

65. The Internet is Broken: Idealistic Ideas for Building a NEWGNU
Network | Christian Grothoff, Bartlomiej Polot, Carlo von Loesch

Here we are. Daring to say that BGP can be replaced by a
DHT technology called GNS. DNS and X.509, also, by the way.
And I few more drastic things.

66. Opportunistic Keying as a Countermeasure to Pervasive Monitoring |
Stephen Kent


Feel invited to fill in the gaps by reading the other papers.. :)

- -- https://lists.tgbit.net/mailman/listinfo.cgi/secu-share
